Das verlässliche HR-Tool für jede Unternehmensgröße - Selbsterklärend und sofort einsatzbereit: perbit ist eine vollumfängliche HR-Software, die alle Personalprozesse in deinem Unternehmen vereinfacht
TechViz Digital Review aims to improve the interaction in the Virtual Environment. This option enables a thorough and dynamic 3D visualization so as to make your VR sessions useful and fruitful for the progress of your project.
TechViz Digital Review functionalities offer an efficient and easy way to review your virtual prototypes with a dedicated set of tools. These functionalities aim to improve the interaction in the virtual reality environment and the work done around the virtual prototype. Thanks to their user friendly interface, they are very easy to use.
Measure the distance between two points. Hide and show parts to have a better understanding of your 3D model. Stick virtual flags on the model with annotations to point out specific issues seen during the review. Clip planes to check different layers and navigate intuitively with TechViz Building Explorer.
Les solutions en Informatique de Laboratoire de Waters comprennent une gamme de logiciels puissants pour la gestion des données scientifiques, la conformité aux réglementations ainsi que l’intégration en réseau. Depuis des décennies, nos solutions en Informatique de Laboratoire ont permis aux principaux laboratoires dans des secteurs d’activités variés (pharmacie, environnement, alimentaire et chimie) de réduire leurs coûts de Recherche & Développement, d’accélérer leurs prises de décision, d’améliorer leur efficacité et de mettre des produits plus rapidement sur le marché. Forte de nombreuses années d’expérience dans tous les domaines de la gestion du flux de travail au sein des laboratoires, Waters a développé une gamme de logiciels intégrée extrêmement innovante.
RetailPowerScale – the software all-rounder for the scale that can do it all: Selling, cashing, labeling, advising customers, advertising and weighing. Standardized, open-source and easy to expand.
RetailPowerScale provides the all-in-one solution for the retail trade. From specialist food stores to globally acting retailers RetailPowerScale is the key to turn your PC scale into a multi-functional device.
But that's not all: Additional functions are easily and quickly available via modular RetailApps. Exactly scaleable in the required functionality, detailed adaptable layout. Individuality is combined with the advantages of standard software which seamlessly integrates in existing IT infrastructure.
Microsoft operating systems:WePOS
POSReady 2009
POSReady 7
Linux operating systems:SLEPOS10
Supported screen formats operator display:12.1" SVGA (800x600)
10.1" WVGA (1024x600)
15.6" (1366x768)
Supported screen formats customer display:12.1" SVGA (800x600)
7" WVGA (800x480)
15.6" (1366x768)
Supported image formats:jpg
Optional flash files (RetailImpact)
Touch screen designer:RetailVision (PC)
RetailVisionScale (scale)
Du devis quantitatif à la notice descriptive,
vous maîtrisez vos dossier sur le bout des doigts.
GIMI avec son module Bureau d'étude, permet la production de l'ensemble des pièces écrites pour les CMI, notamment :
- Devis Quantitatif Estimatif pour chaque corps de métiers. Six tarifs sont à votre disposition pour chaque élément du descriptif.
- Récapitulatif par corps de métiers pour suivre le prix de revient prévisionnel.
Vous retrouvez dans cet état quatre notions de marges : prévisionnelle, vendue, à l'ouverture et traitée.
- Notice descriptive à partir du métré personnalisé de votre client. Vous obtenez une notice descriptive fidèle dans le fond et la forme.
GIMI reprend les éléments qu'il a chiffré pour les affecter en compris dans la notice, ainsi, aucune erreur n'est possible puisque
chaque élément du devis se retrouve dans la notice.
- Marchés de travaux correspondants aux différentes études que vous avez réalisé...
Präsentieren Sie eine Vielzahl gängiger Medienformate auf großflächigen Multitouch Displays. Inhalte in Form von Sammlungen oder einzeln automatisiert absppielen, getimter Screensaver, 8K Videos.
The Axis Remote Control (ARC) module will control the motors of the equipment, such as manipulators, doors, etc. It works with the latest technology and allows up to 9 axes.
ARC stands for Axis Remote Control and provides a uniform user interface whatever the motors are. It makes use of the motor with position encoder to offer excellent precision and repeatability.
ARC works as a stand alone module and/or can be integrated with Automation. It can also be integrated with an external application using a simple communication protocol based on "sockets".
NstLabelEditor é un editor integrato per il disegno e la stampa di etichette con stampanti a trasferimento termico (es. Toshiba TEC ™).
L'inserimento delle misure di taglio viene facilitata da una comoda anteprima che mostra la visione del campionario finito e permette il calcolo automatico delle etichette da stampare.
NstLabelEditor calcola il numero di nastri da stampare e le aree di stampa disponibili evitando così sprechi di tempo, nastro e aumentandone la qualità.
NSTLabel Editor is a product to draw and print labels and tapes,it employs the most advanced information technology: it is simple and user friendly but also
complete and professional.
The cutting dimensions input makes the preview of the final product easier as well as the automatic calculation of the number of labels to be printed.
NstLabelEditor calculates the number of labels to be printed and the printing safe areas, thus saving time and tapes and increasing quality.
Broadcast any type of information on your screens thanks to our dynamic and interactive display software.
Text, photos, images, videos, music, news feeds, forms, social networks, unlimited content on your touch or non-touch screens.
A simple, intuitive, innovative software. Don’t hesitate to ask for a tariff or a remote demonstration (Max 20 mins).
We are also looking for resellers familiar with digital displays or wishing to diversify their activity.
-> Ask about our Partnership program.
Digital signage software for brand awareness, digital menu boards and product promotion.
Repeat Signage Media Wall digital signage software is designed to be used on Windows based computers or media players that have 2, 3 or 4 screens attached. This allows you to create a low cost media wall solution for displaying your digital signage presentations, instead of 4 single licences. Supports touch screens.
This edition is ideal for 4-screen horizontal digital menu boards above restaurant counters; 2x2 portrait video walls for displaying life-size museum exhibits or retail fashion shows, or 4-screens of various sizes in a matrix arrangement.
In addition to the strip speed, VRecoS also records up to three further tracks, such as the rolling force or the strip thickness at the ingoing and outgoing ends of the mill. The measurement protocols can be stored, printed out and distributed by e-mail.
The measured values are recorded as a function of length. The recording frequency can be set with a scanning rate of 2 ms.
Random lengths of strip at the leading and trailing ends (drop-off) can be suppressed, even subsequently.
The signals are recorded using a data collector belonging to the scope of supply. Its electronics with input and output modules is designed for installation in switch cabinets or desks in interference-proof 24 Volt top-hat (DIN) rail technology. It transmits the data via a network cable to the Windows recording computer which can be supplied by Vollmer or by the customer.
Haber Yazılım Platformu sayesinde, ihtiyaç duyduğunuz tüm servisleri tek bir noktada sizin için topladık. İstediğiniz haber kaynaklarından haberleri kendi platformunuza otomatik çekebilir, grafik tasarım araçlarına gerek duymadan aynı platformda görsellerinizi/videolarınızı düzenleyebilirsiniz. Çektiğiniz haberleri platform sizin için cümleleri eş kelimelerle değiştirip metinleri alıntıdan çıkartır. SEO uyumlu olması sebebi ile anahtar kelimeleri otomatik olarak Google’a indexler. Sosyal Medyada paylaşmak için tek tek haberlere girip paylaşmanıza gerek kalmadan otomatik paylaşır. Site içi trafiklerinizi, reytinglerinizi ve birçok alanınızın geniş raporlama sayesinde takip edebilirsiniz.
Software und Reparatur CASIO DT-970 Barcodescanner
Software und Reparatur Casio DT-970
Wir erstellen Software für die CASIO DT-970 Barcodescanner und führen auch Reparaturen in unserem Servicecenter durch. Bei Fragen sprechen Sie uns gerne an oder nutzen einfach das Kontaktforumular.
CASIO DT-970 Reparatur Wir reparieren CASIO DT-970 Barcodescanner
Anfrage Nutzen Sie einfach das Kontaktformular rechts auf dieser Seite.
Programmierung Wir erstellen Ihre Software für den CASIO DT-970 Barcodescanner
Ihr Name (Pflichtfeld)
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init - der Wochenausblick: Von Genf nach...
A lot happens during the life of an electric vehicle. Our internally developed service software accompanies your vehicle throughout each stage of its life – from development and mass production to fault analysis in the workshop.
It all starts with the development process. In order to provide the best possible support for your development team, we supply Enable Tool NG with the right software to make settings on our control units, manage different versions of this data, and safely carry out assembly from the prototype to the larger vehicle fleet.
The Enable Tool NG supports the calibration of the control units and the commissioning of electric systems during mass production. The software also maintains databases for the long-term secure storage of data and protocols.
Data fra forskellige sensorer sendes trådløst til BrainyBins systemet, der fungerer som hjernen bag alle de intelligente funktioner. Dette inkluderer bestemmelse af fyldningsgrad, ruteplanlægning og meget mere. Statistikdelen giver overblik over arbejdsgange på genbrugspladserne og nem rapportering til miljømyndighederne.
BrainyBins Predict:
Forudsiger fyldningsgraden så du kan yde en bedre service og undgå fyldte containere.
BrainyBins Routing:
Automatisk planlægning af ruter så medarbejderne sparer tid og bilerne kører mindre.
BrainyBins Weight:
Nem og effektiv vejning af containere samt integreret fakturering.
BrainyBins Overview:
Overblik over alle containere, skraldespande, biler, medarbejdere og mere.
BrainyBins Admin:
Kontrol over brugere og brugergrupper, administration af bestillinger og indsigt i statistikkerne.
BrainyBins App:
Chaufførens daglige værktøj der logger fejl, viser ruter og beholdernes tilstand.
Mit der mobilen Zeiterfassung von askDANTE können Stunden von überall und zu jederzeit erfasst werden. Die Zeiterfassungsapp steht Ihnen für iPhone und Android-Smartphones zur Verfügung.
cardPresso XXS card design software The Cardpresso XXS software package has all basic features for card design and printing using predefined templates, edit view for text data input, card/encoding view, barcodes 1D, WIA/TWAIN/DirectShow acquisition and magnetic encoding support.
Wir decken den gesamten Entwicklungsbereich ab angefangen von der Anforderungsanalyse, Konzeption und Architekturdesign, Implementierung, Verifizierung und Validierung bis hin zur Freigabe und Wartung
- Erstellen von Teststrategien und -konzepten
- Umsetzen von Modul- und Integrationstests sowie System- und Akzeptanztests
- Testautomatisierung auf allen Ebenen
- Planung und Umsetzung von HiL, SiL und MiL Tests
- Bestimmung relevanter Metriken zur Teststeuerung
- Aufsetzen und Durchführen von Testmonitoring
- Ergebnisauswertung und -dokumentation
Ein wichtiges Element, um effektiv und präzise zu arbeiten, ist die für die Aufgabe passende Software. Wir arbeiten u.a. mit folgenden Systemen: Catia V5, Catia V6, Siemens NX8, Visicad und Mastercam. Vielfältige Simulationen wie Fließverhalten, Verzug und Vorhaltegeometrien, um nur einige zu nennen, unterstützen und verifizieren den Erfahrungsschatz unserer Mitarbeiter.
Den „Kontakt zur Außenwelt“ halten wir über folgenden Schnittstellen: Step, Parasolid, Iges und v.a.m. Über Odette haben wir die Möglichkeit eines schnellen OFTP-Protokolls.
The DLC pro Lock is a software license that enables a number of features on a specific DLC pro. These allow to control the frequency of a laser for example by using a saturated absorption spectroscopy setup with a reference cell. This most popular example of frequency typically uses a modulation of the laser frequency, a de-modulation (Lock-In) for creation of the error signal and PID regulators for the generation of the error signal. All this may be achieved with a DLC pro control without further electronic modules.
La gestione delle presenze semplice ma completa
Con oltre 4000 installazioni su tutto il territorio nazionale, il Planet Time Enterprise è senza dubbio tra i prodotti leader di mercato nella gestione delle presenze.
Il raffinatissimo ed inimitabile motore di calcolo, l’elevata quantità di parametri disponibili, la totale flessibilità nella fase di raccolta dei dati che possono provenire da lettori di badge, dal web o da APP per smartphone e tablet, la possibilità di esportare i dati in qualsiasi formato e verso qualsiasi procedura paghe attualmente presente sul mercato, fanno del Planet Time Enterprise la soluzione completa e definitiva.
Non importa se l’azienda è pubblica o privata, di piccole o grandi dimensioni, Il Planet Time Enterprise offre sempre il massimo in termini di prestazioni, flessibilità e semplicità.
Logiciel téléchargeable ou en mode Cloud
Configuration et utilisation intuitives et logiques
Une gestion avancée des droits d’exploitation du logiciel
Une gestion optimisée des accès et des utilisateurs
Un monitoring complet de votre installation et des évènements
VisionPro ViDi est le premier logiciel d'analyse d'images basé sur le deep learning et conçu spécifiquement pour l'automatisation industrielle. VisionPro ViDi combine l'intelligence artificielle (IA) avec les logiciels VisionPro et Cognex Designer pour résoudre les applications complexes qui sont trop difficiles, fastidieuses ou coûteuses pour les systèmes de vision industrielle traditionnels. Cette nouvelle approche, qui tolère les écarts et les défauts imprévisibles, surpasse même les meilleurs inspecteurs de qualité et est idéale pour les applications suivantes :
- Détection des défauts
- Classification des textures et matériaux
- Vérification de l'assemblage et localisation des pièces déformées
- Lecture de caractères, y compris d'impressions déformées
SAFER One™ est un logiciel de modélisation de panache qui fournit les informations en temps réel nécessaires pour agir de manière proactive lors d'un incident chimique et limiter les risques pour votre personnel, votre installation et la population vivant à proximité.
Identifiez facilement la source, la gravité et les conséquences sur la population d'une fuite de produits chimiques en intégrant à Google Maps™ les données en temps réel des détecteurs de gaz et des capteurs météorologiques du site. Que ce soit pour une intervention d'urgence ou une utilisation quotidienne, SAFER™ One vous prépare à faire face à toutes les situations.
Voxeldance Additive ist eine leistungsstarke Software zur Datenaufbereitung für die additive Fertigung. Die Software ist für DLP-, SLS-, SLA- und SLM-Technologien geeignet.
Es wird eine Vielzahl von Funktionen zur Verfügung gestellt, die Sie für die Aufbereitung von 3D Druckdaten benötigen:
- CAD-Modellimport
- STL-Dateireparatur
- intelligentes 2D / 3D-Nesting
- Support-Generierung, Slicing und Hinzufügen von Hatches.
Sparen Sie Zeit und steigern Sie die Effizienz Ihrer Druckergebnisse
The 3D structural frame analysis program RSTAB is the ideal tool for the design of beam, frame, or truss structures consisting of steel, reinforced concrete, timber, aluminum, or other materials.
RSTAB can be used to quickly define a structural model and then calculate the internal forces, deformations, and support reactions. Various add-ons that take into account the material and standard-specific requirements are available for the design.
Cleco Software Solutions is a scalable software suite that equips you with critical production data and application management tools allowing you to make informed decisions and take the corrective actions quickly.
The Production Benefits with Cleco Software Solutions:
*Data Management*
-Web browser allows easy access to production data
-Complete and unified control over content, modification, users and security
*Production Optimization*
-Allows to Push changes to production without going to the production line
-Monitoring of usage and location
*Error Prevention*
-User-specific views in the dashboard provide meaningful data analysis
-Change management allows changes before introduction in production
*Quality Assurance*
-Application archiving & rollback capabilities save application revisions
-Visibility & traceability features allow you to review who, what, why and when a change was implemented
Als Unternehmen aus der Pharma-Branche prägen strenge Regularien Ihren Arbeitsalltag. Mit unserer ERP-Lösung werden sie diesen branchenspezifischen Anforderungen gerecht.
Mit unserer validierten ERP Software für die Pharma-Branche, zu maximaler Qualität und sicheren Prozessen. Die wichtigsten Gründe, warum unsere ERP Software für die Pharma-Branche genau richtig für sie ist:
- Zuverlässig und transparent arbeiten: Computersystem-Validierung (CSV)
- Regularien gerecht werden: Compliance-Erfüllung
- Zeit, Geld und Papier sparen: Elektronische Unterschrift
- Alle Chargen unter Kontrolle behalten: Chargenverwaltung
- Maximale Güte: Qualitätsprüfung